The big business of cosmetic surgery is growing and growing. This is partly due to science and technology advancement which is making this type of surgery more affordable and accessible than ever before. People are doing everything from breast enhancements to operations on any part of your body. Basically if you want a change in the appearance of your body it is now possible with cosmetic surgery. So what is this all about$%: What types of surgery are available and who is having it done$%: This article will attempt to answer some of these questions.
Besides all the hype of face lifts, liposuction and nose jobs, there are many people who were disfigured at birth or through an accident. These people often find great relief both physically and psychologically through cosmetic surgery. There are truly wonderful and marvelous things that can be accomplished with cosmetic surgery for children with cleft lips, large birth marks, etc. This type of cosmetic surgery is a far cry from someone getting a nose job just because they think their nose is a little too large.
Another type of cosmetic surgery that can greatly benefit your self esteem is acne scar removal. This is a fairly simple surgery but the improvement in the lifestyle of the patient can be incredible.
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Body piercing repair and tattoo removal are becoming more and more popular. Interestingly enough, many people who pierced and tattoed their bodies are now wanting to repair the piercings and remove the tattoes as they get older. This is also considered a form of cosmetic surgery.
Breast enhancements are usually seen as a vain type of cosmetic surgery, However, did you know that cancer victims who have had a mastectomy can have their breasts rebuilt$%: This is great to keep their self esteem up and to retain their body shape. Breast enhancements and reductions are very popular with all types of women. Sometimes a breast reduction must be performed for health reasons, such as chronic back pain.
Then there are the typical and still very popular procedures such as botox injections, face lifts, tummy tucks. rhinoplasty (also known as a nose job) and liposuction. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing muscles and fixing parts of the body in preferred positions. This is a temporary solution so anyone who wants to keep the laugh lines away will have to continue the treatments.
The most important thing to know when thinking about the safety of cosmetic surgery, is that their are people out there who do not know what they are doing. The temptation to go to a doctor who will offer you a huge discount, must be avoided. Typically those who are offering a huge discount are not reputable surgeons. Because they literally hold your life in their hands during surgery you should never go to someone who does not have impeccable references. We have all heard of the unfortunate instances of people dying while on the operating table of a plastic surgeon. It just is not worth the discount if you loose your life in the process.
When you are selecting a clinic or surgeon, you should take your time and not rush into anything. Your personal doctor should be able to make a good recommendation and of course there is always the Internet that you can use for researching a good, reputable doctor. One thing you can use the Internet for when researching the qualification of a surgeon is to see if the qualifications have been earned, bought or simply printed out on fancy paper to make it look good. A good clinic or surgeon will always be willing to meet with you one on one for an interview and they will be happy to answer any and all questions you have. If they are not willing to meet with you, then you should avoid them. Also, if they cannot answer all your questions satisfactorily, then do not use them
Selecting the right clinic can take time, and definitely isn't something you should rush into. Always select a clinic that boasts recognized qualifications; a little research on the Internet will tell you whether a qualification has been earned, bought or simply printed. Only consider using a clinic that offers a one-on-one with a surgeon before operating. They should be able to advise you on all aspects of your surgery. This includes any benefits as well as the operation itself and any side effects.
Many people get overwhelmed when they set out to find a surgeon. If you make a list of questions to take to your consultation meeting then that will help you to keep focused and you will not forget to ask any questions because you will have them right in front of you. Try to have some knowledge about your surgery before your first meeting. So you will need to do some research which is very easy with the Internet.
Some questions you will want to ask are what are the potential side effects, what types of painkillers will be used, what is the estimated recovery time, what type of anesthesia will be used. Do not forget to ask your surgeon what their experience is and ask to see their qualifications if they are not hanging in plain site. These are just some of the questions you can ask, you should come up with more questions if you do your research.
Overall it is your responsibility to make sure you understand everything there is to know about the cosmetic surgery that you want. Do your research to make sure you make an informed and educated decision about if you want to have the surgery and who you want do to the surgery.