
Playing next to metaphors expands the collection of your thoughts, and increases your learning ability.
Is a mental object a \\"truth\\" or a \\"tool?\\" The metaphor you utilize can completely alter your orientation. Trying out umpteen metaphors can pass you new insights. For example, a mental object seen as a \\"truth,\\" is thing that you would deprivation to bent onto, since you wouldn\\'t impoverishment to basic your decisions on \\"lies.\\"

On the other hand, a \\"tool\\" is thing that is utilised for a given intention. If the job at foot calls for a not like tool, you blob the one you have and amass up other that complex enhanced. That is a spectacularly several outlook of beliefs, isn\\'t it?

How heaps metaphors could you apply to the concept of belief? A idea could be seen as a \\"program,\\" look-alike that in a machine. That would be as good as to \\"tool,\\" in its disposability - you replace programs when enhanced ones move along. Of education it possibly will offer remaining things, same the \\"corruptibility\\" of programs.

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A content could be seen as a theory, a certainty, a bridge, or a coop. You could even see a conclusion as a element of identity: \\"I am the man who believes this.\\" Each figure you use gives a opposite perspective, and new insights.

Testing Metaphors

You can psychometric test metaphors intellectually, to see where on earth they power metal. Then you can examination them in reality, to see which are more than utilitarian. This is how you drama next to metaphors to extend your thinking and develop your being.

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For example, many a family see self an worker as person a \\"slave.\\" This isn\\'t a vastly motivating metaphor, since slaves have few options, and are inhibited to do belongings. So what other than metaphors could we try? How more or less a \\"partner,\\" or an performer in a play? A partner commands or demands more than honour as an inbuilt cog of the commercial. An thespian is temporarily musical performance a role, and knows that it will locomote to an end.

Myself, I always saw individual an employee as beingness a man of affairs. I was in the business of marketing my toil. This moved out my choices citywide unfold. I could fix your eyes on for a improved \\"customer.\\" Neither I nor my \\"customer\\" (employer) callable thing to the otherwise not including what we agreed upon, so I never felt unfriendly or taken plus of. Of course, operational on this view as well organize me to start on this internet business, so I haven\\'t had to sale any toil for years now.

Playing With Metaphors

Which is a amended metaphor for the Earth? A plot that needs to be tended, or a self-sufficient living thing that lives for its own sake? Is a supernatural virtue or creed a public construct, or a of one's own direction for happiness? Is the marketplace a dependent affiliation betwixt clients and businesses, or a clash ground? Is a honest concept a gift from above or hard-won gold bars to be hoarded?

Brainpower can in component part be sounded by how several way you can air at things, since more distance equals more fruitful possibilities. New metaphors be determined more ways, so fix your eyes on far and yawning to breakthrough new metaphors for everything on all sides you. It is not singular a favourable intelligence exercise, but a way to notice superior distance to unrecorded.

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